MISSION: Provide no cost advanced search and rescue & disaster response services throughout Ohio and, where needed, national incidents.
Unit Training
Personnel cannot get credit for viewing the unit training slides on their own. Personnel must be in a classroom environment and a sign-in sheet forwarded to Planning upon completion of the training. Training must be on the calendar and approved by operations and safety to receive credit for the course.
Use Google Chrome. The power points are actually .PDF files. When you sign into members only, click on unit training tab, press F11 to make the screen full size, open a unit training file, submenu at the bottom will open with file, click on box with four arrows(first) to make the screen accessible to run the .pdf in power point mode. Use the right or left arrow keys to toggle back in forth. F11 to go back to regular screen mode. X file tab at top to exit file to go back to menu listing of courses.
Critical Incident Stress Management
Critical Incident Stress Management - Awareness
Deaf Awaerness Basic Emergency Signs in ASL
Wilderness Search and Rescue Awareness
Wilderness Survival Prepareness and Prevention