OSRT Units Conduct Search for Missing Ashland Ohio Man
Mr. Timothy Metcalf of Ashland, Ohio went missing from his home late in the evening of Monday, February 20th, 2023. Search teams were activated immediately on Tuesday but were unable to locate him. On Friday, February 24th, the Ashland Police Department requested the assistance of the Ohio Special Response Search Team to conduct a search of multiple high-profile areas in and around their city.

Beginning early Friday, two members of OSRT initiated an exploratory search of primary sites that had been flagged by the Ohio BCI SRT K-9 team. On Saturday morning, 18 members of OSRT Units 3, 7, 6, and 2 converged on the Ashland Police conference facility, bringing with them five highly trained K-9s and 3 drones.
Throughout the day Saturday, unit teams scoured more than twelve specific sites on foot, with multiple scent-specific K-9s, and via high-definition drone footage. Tim was nowhere to be foun
Please do not give up the search for this husband, father, and grandfather. If anyone has any information – including doorbell video – that may help locate Tim Metcalf, please notify one or both of the following:
